Tutorial Photoshop : By i Can be Creative

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010
Let’s start our tutorial by creating a new document with the following size : 500 x 500 pixels.I will set my Foreground color to #000000, then with Paint Bucket Tool i will press one time over my document.
Create a new layer and select it (shift+ ctrl + n).

Grab Brush Tool, and with a Smooth Round brush, create 1 point over my layout with the color #a864a8
Please note the brush size should be 400 pixels.

After that, we need to blur the image. So you need to do this: Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, set Radius at 70 pixels. Here is a picture with how you can do it and how should it look:

Now go to Filter > Noise > Add noise. In amount field change the value at 30%, distribution should be Gaussian and check the Monochromatic box. See the example below:

Now go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. In the Motion blur window, set the angle to 90 degrees, and distance to 999 pixels. See the example below:

Sumber : Icanbecreative.com
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